Displaying: 1-20 of 411 documents

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1. Chôra: Volume > 1
Cristian Gaşpar Between the City and the Desert: Theodosian Legislation and the Place of the Monks in Later Roman Society
2. Chôra: Volume > 1
Ştefan Vianu La doctrine érigènienne des Causes primordiales
3. Chôra: Volume > 1
Madeea Axinciuc Absorbing Perfection: Kabbalah and Interpretation
4. Chôra: Volume > 1
Madeea Axinciuc Cum mureau filosofii în Greaa veche
5. Chôra: Volume > 1
Bogdan Tătaru-Cazaban Metafiɀica
6. Chôra: Volume > 1
7. Chôra: Volume > 1
Miruna Tătaru-Cazaban Prima cateheɀă. Inițiere în viața creștină
8. Chôra: Volume > 1
Vlad Niculescu Hermeneutic Clues for a Possible Reconstruction of Origen's Exegesis of the Creation Narrative (Gn 1-3)
9. Chôra: Volume > 1
Bogdan Tătaru-Cazaban Contre Hermogène
10. Chôra: Volume > 1
Bogdan Tătaru-Cazaban Traité de l'lncarnation. Contre Nestorius
11. Chôra: Volume > 1
Diana Stanciu Grace and Free Will within the Ninth-Century Debate on Predestination
12. Chôra: Volume > 1
Mihail Neamtu Protology and Language in St. Gregory of Nyssa's Theology
13. Chôra: Volume > 1
Bogdan Tătaru-Cazaban Medievali e medievisti. Saggi su aspetti del Medioevo teologico e della sua interpretatione
14. Chôra: Volume > 1
Anca Vasiliu L'icône et le regard de Narcisse
15. Chôra: Volume > 1
Bogdan Tătaru-Cazaban Être et représentation. Une généalogie de la métaphysique moderne à l'époque de Duns Scot (XIIIᵉ-XIVᵉ siècle)
16. Chôra: Volume > 1
Alexander Baumgarten L'interpretation de la proposition 90 du liber de Causis chez Albert le Grand et saint Thomas d'Aquin
17. Chôra: Volume > 1
Miruna Tătaru-Cazaban Saint François d'Assise
18. Chôra: Volume > 1
Bogdan Tătaru-Cazaban La théologie du miracle selon Origène et saint Augustin
19. Chôra: Volume > 1
Sebastian Maxim L'homme et son propre selon Maître Eckhart
20. Chôra: Volume > 1
Miruna Tătaru-Cazaban Jean Gerson Apostle of Unity. His Church Politics and Ecclesiology