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81. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 24
Новиков В.М. За жизнь с Разумным Сознанием
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Created in 2002 the Regional public Fund of Chelyabinsk «For Person and of Humanity's life» (Chelyabinsk), had established research institute "Soznaniya". For the moment the institute has elaborated the Unified theory of Consciousness (UTC), the Unified law of Being (ULB) and developed General theory of relativity (GTR). UTC, ULB and GTR are the consistent integration of knowledge of science, philosophy, and religion; and they are exposing the energoinformational essence of Universe and Person's organization. These new theories are postulating the priority of informational interaction by the programs-projects and only after that the objectivity of observed. Meanwhile, the Person is functioning (working) according to the programs-projects, which fill his Consciousness with contents and his life with purposes and senses. The programs-projects are being developing on basis of program of sensuality manifested in actions. The source of program-project for the Evolution is the center of energoinformational area of Universe, called God-Absolute. This knowledge creates the perspective for thedevelopment of science and philosophy. From all these theories the philosophical idea "For the life with Rational Consciousness", pretending on the universal status, is coming out. This idea is a new solution for the way out from the state of bifurcation (choice of the further way of development) by the way of Spiritual and moral rebirth of Humanity, and the weakening of consequences after the present ecological catastrophe.
82. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 25
Valeriy P. Tsaplin История половых взаимодействий.
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Mythological art of the world population variously demonstrates the appearance and interaction of sexes. But more often it is connected with the beginning of the world from the world egg. Religions views tell about the creation of a first single man by God. The latest biological studies have not yet solved this problem,the idea of dividing vegetable and animal kingdoms being disputable enough. To outline ways of solving this problem was made possible from the dualism point of view. The origins of sexes are found on the base of multicellularity, on the border of vegetable and animal kingdoms, The appearing of sexual reproduction results in a new quality and unity of opposites, preserving its further inner contradiction. The main direction of development – changeability is fixed by the male, while unchangeability is fixed by the female. The understanding both of historical direction in the development of each sexes and its inner contradiction will allow to build proper gender relations in the society. The problem of selecting strategy of gender research still remains disputable.
83. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 26
Ольга Владимировна лебникова Литературные стили науки и философии
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Our modern culture is written culture first of all. And therefore now the perception of every sphere of human activity is connected with the purport of the Literary idea, idea of the space, which includes all metamorphoses of Writing. And so science and philosophy take on specific significance as varieties of the literaturewith corresponding stylistic descriptions. Here I consider the style 1) as particular motion of the body of Writing, in which its nature reflects; 2) as living thing, realizing not verbal cultural ideals; 3) as the way and the incarnating form of the conversion of consciousness; 4) as organizing «grammatical» principle, which determines the structure of certain literary «language». The investigation of the literary styles of science and philosophy permits to expose likenesses (for example, the level of the cogitative viscidity of the texts) and differences (for example, in the principles of the construction of scientific and philosophical plots) between indicated manners.
84. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 32
Olga Chistyakova Political and religious identification of Russia and the USA in the context of national and international security
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The article is devoted to the ideas of religious and political identification of modern Russia and the USA. The main conceptual positions of Russian and American philosophers, political scientists, and theologians are presented. These ideas create the specific axiological unity of American and Russian forms of culture and civilizations. The search for national idea and cultural identification is presented in the article from the position of national and international security of the USA and Russia. The author pays attention to original concepts of American philosophers, which have developed new «typologies of God». From this point of view God exists in human being in the new «technocratic» or «political» qualities. The conclusions about the priority collaboration of Russia and the USA in cultural spheres are made.
85. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 33
Valery Solodky Science about Projecting as Socio-cultural Theory
86. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 34
Vladimir Przhilenskiy Дисциплина и когнитивный статус философии науки Пржиленский В.И.
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The philosophy of a science has arisen as a result of inability of the theory of knowledge to reply to important questions which were rised before scientific community on a boundary of the XIX and XX centuries. Further the philosophy of a science and the theory of knowledge developed separately from each other. They had a big influence on each other, but their tasks were always different. The main distinction between them epistemology is a theoretical and projective kind of knowledge while philosophy of a science – post theoretical discipline. Epistemology is the theory including an explanatory scheme, it is a philosophical project of knowledge, and it is the discipline containing a set of interdictions and instructions. The philosophy of a science is interested in studying of scientific knowledge as a real event, which went through, making an expert estimation of results. The philosophy of a science assumes critical and reflective comparison of the project and result whereas the theory of knowledge improves specifications and discipline of cognitive activity. While the theory of knowledge creates a methodand is guided by a method the philosophy of a science prefers a historical and critical reflection, the logical-grammatical analysis, searches of cultural or social determination.
87. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 35
Raisa B. Kvesko Sociolinguistic Communication as the Basis of The Cooperation of The Subjects of the Educational Process
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В статье определяется, что социолингвистическая коммуникация представляет собой взаимодействие субъектов, в основе которого лежат язык и текстовая деятельность. Существование и деятельность человека напрямую и непосредственно связаны с главной функцией языка –коммуникативной. Социолингвистическая реальность непосредственно связана с процессом коммуникации. Коммуникация занимает сегодня неотъемлемую часть нашей жизни и играет в ней немаловажную роль. В статье рассматривается социолингвистическая коммуникация каксоциальное явление, как основа взаимодействия субъектов образовательного пространства, как сложный процесс передачи информации при помощи определенных знаков и символов, соединяющий отдельные части социальных систем, а также это механизм реализации власти.
88. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 35
Ekaterina Petrova Человек и информационная среда: проблемы взаимодействия
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In the present-day information burst and information revolution epoch the mankind must realize the adaptation to the new conditions of its existence in the limited time. The most important problem is the problem of the human being successful adaptation to the modern information medium. The information medium is the factor demanding absolutely new adaptation of human being. Modern information medium specific character leads to correction of existing nature and social human being adaptation mechanisms and creation of new mechanisms. Information technologies as a modern civilization core change not only quality and substance of present time human being life, but they threaten to transformate his way of existence in the modern world.
89. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 36
Pavel Chelyshev Кризис обыденного сознания в современном мире
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Ordinary consciousness is viewed as a variety of practically spiritual attitude to life, as an element of socially-transformational activity in its various manifestations as characteristics of life itself as syncretic phenomenon, performing a function of integral reality mastering on a level of everyday life. Direct contact with life, a pragmatic mood and practical orientation of ordinary consciousness clear up its ontological status and make it possible to speak about its eternal role in the social and private life of man; about relative independence concerning specialized forms and levels of social consciousness, which came out of the ordinaryconsciousness and later separated from it. In the XX century the stake of society on pragmatism of ordinary consciousness while increasing the supremacy of utilitarian relations above human relations (a man becomes one of the material things) against a background of globalization and postmodernism led culture to the spiritual crisis, into the oblivion of spiritual values by contemporary man. Of course, globalization brings a number of advantages creating a sense of identity all over the world. It lowers trade barriers, shipping costs, telecommunication and computing costs, improves communication among peoples. However, there is debate about whether the power of international capital and the supposed homogenization of taste worldwide are good things or not. Globalization imposes a common standard of living on states and peoples, which belittles their cultural and national originality. Such a standard of living (mainly founded on principles of practicism) hinders mankind’s and man’s development. For the collective life is dialectical unity of diversity. The world must be smile and multipolar simultaneously. Unstable equilibrium between the whole and its parts leads to spiritual crisis. The social production of «useful» man closed up practically the possibility of bringing up man as the personality. That is why it so important today to recognize the necessity and possibility of moral and spiritually–religioustransformation of ordinary consciousness. The Eastern Wonder of the XX century (the South Korea, China and Japan) in the sphere of economics is based on the synthesis of national and human laws of being.
90. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 36
Vardan Torosyan Судьба философии в мире XXI века или мира без философии?
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“Philosophy has been criticized during the 25 centuries of its existence, - Yurgen Habermas has noticed, - but the fact that it is still alive means that it is as usual necessary. How long?” In different historical periods claims to philosophy concerned to the fact, that it couldn’t manage to accomplish its task – to help mankind to find the way to the fair society, to the world without wars and (according to Marx) from “mankind prehistory” to its “true history”. During the XIXth century, and especially during the XXth century, it had become obvious impossibility of idea, “been acceptable for everyone”, and the danger of totalitarian indoctrination of any “truth”. However statement of truth pluralism has resulted in post-modernistic disavowal from the notion of truth. In the modern pragmatic world, where “that is true, what is useful”, anxiety and warning of philosophers annoy, rather than make fall to thinking. But the great danger is represented not because of philistine indifference to philosophy, but because of the fact, that philosophers often surrender, speaking about “death of philosophy”. The novaday’s philosopher shouldbe concerned not about the fate of philosophy in the world of the XXIst century, but by the world fate without philosophy.
91. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 36
Olga Afanasyeva Spiritual Culture and National Self-Identification as Major Factors in Overcoming Crisis in Russia
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Liberal-Democratic changes in the Russian Society have brought a number of acute problems threatening national security and leading to converting Russia into a peripheral socio-cultural system («national self-identification crisis»). Scientific research shows that the main indicator of the said crisis is not only the critical economic differentiation of people into the «poor» and «rich» Russia (with the different ways of life, needs, mentality) but also spiritual degradation, spread of aggressive – depressive syndrome (growth of hatred, feeling of injustice, loss of meaning of the life, anger, melancholy, hopelessness, loneliness etc.). Twothirds of the citizens (74.9%) interviewed in 2006 think that their social status does not correspond to their personal achievements in education and professional abilities. One of the main reasons of their distrust towards the government bodies is insufficient professional and cultural level, absence of unity of a word and business. It is worth mentioning that books and articles of scientists and ideologists who resist Western liberalism are freely published, but you can hardly see these people close to the President. Russians are openly and secretly under pressure of ideas propagandizing negative past which undermine national self-identification, national pride for the great history of their country. The original sphere of influence of Russian language and Russian culture is shortening under the press of mass-culture. Meanwhile, 67% of Russians expressed their negative attitude towards massive Western cultural expansion. The Futureof Russia is in safeguarding national intellectual and spiritual values, Science, education and in supporting the person of work and creativity.
92. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 36
Larisa Dmitrieva «Сакральное-профанное» в контексте современной визуальной культуры
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1. An abundance of profane images in the modern culture is a result of penetration of some carnival elements in the culture in general. 2. Christian culture is playing a role of mental basis for European civilization that is why we perceive the images of the modern advertisement as antisacral. 3. In fact, the advertising images are not profane only; they are significantly sacralized. 4. The fact that the advertising images can be both sacral and profane is connected with the lack of basic binary oppositions in the modern culture. 5. The lack of basic oppositions engenders a parody as a most relevant creative technique 6. The fact that anti-sacral images are sacralized in the modern advertisement can be regarded both as the real sacralization and as the parody of the similar cultural situation, where the objective reality has the status of product category.
93. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 37
F.T. Valishin Russian Civilization: the Role of Education
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Proceeding from dinamism's strategy, Russia's civilization tasks of strategy of new monistic (ontology) traditions are revealed. These tasks represent connected with each other problems: the Problem of Education having the ontology load from the Way's nature (Fatherland-East); the Problem of the Federalism having theontology load of the System (Motherland-West).
94. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 37
Куренкова Римма Аркадьевна Phenomenology of Education: Up-to-date Dialogue between Philosophy and Pedagogics
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In the report phenomenological ideas of the dialogue between philosophy and pedagogics of today are being considered. The status-modes and types of linking between phenomenology and practice of education and up-bringing, socio-cultural and axiological problems of modern education. Its philosophical and anthropological essence, cognition and gnosiological aspects of the process of education and up-bringing are shown. Fundamental concepts of phenomenology such as “experience”, “intentionality”, “horizons of mentality”, “emotion”, “phenomenological reduction”, “intersubjectivity”, “the world of vitality” and others are interpreted from the pedagogical point of view. Category-conceptional system including “methodology of education”, “paideutics”, ”aesthesis”, “ideatics”, “locus of reflection” as well as the principles of the phenomenology of education – “unity of all living”, “individual genesis of life”, “self-individualization” and “cognition creativity” – get their formulation. Innovatory methods of teaching sociohumanities and art-aesthetical disciplines are set forth in the report.
95. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 37
В.М. Кондратьев Education in the Epoch of Changes
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The epoch of changes is characterized as an epoch of structural changes in society and education is a process of getting realized independence in exploring the space and time in his life. In the center is a mechanism of influence of social changes in the quality of system of education as a system phenomen. The basicelements of educational system are educational, productional and leisure activity. The characteristic feature of out present life is the accordance of rational and irrational in our life. The Internet PR, advertising influences on the strengthening of irrational in the life of society Rational beginning in limited by productive sphere. Changes in the content and methods of education at school and high educational establishments leads to the shortening of reflexive knowledge as a result we see the descries of degree of self dependence of students, workers and citizens’. Russia is in need of the development of new educational strategies.
96. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 37
Larisa Titonova Philosophical Aspects of Balance Between Tolerance and Manipulation in High School Pedagogical Technologies
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The emerging of new virtual studying cyberspace significantly broadens the scope of pedagogical techniques and created new opportunities for usage of manipulative techniques in educational practice Manipulation success factor is mostly depends on the tolerance level of a student-addressee when recognizing manipulation intrusion. There are three main moods of student-addressee’s behaviour in manipulation situation: active anti-manipulation defence, related to building effective contramanipulation; passive anti-manipulation defence, including applying different methods of operational and behavioural blocking ofmanipulator’s actions; and high level of tolerance, which may occur in ability patiently accept negative influence from teacher-manipulator without decay in his/her adaptive abilities. Each of these moods has its advantages and disadvantages. It depends mainly on dominant value-adding positioning of each particularmanipulation pedagogical technique. If it can be described as has antihuman approach with the elements of pressure and humiliation of student’s personality, then this technique can not be applied. Applying of manipulation techniques is only possible if it allows building good and comfortable relationship between teacher and student, decreasing the conflict level of this relationship.
97. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 10
Кривых Елена Моральные ценности в контексте эволюционной этики.
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The author considers positions of evolutionary ethics from the point of interaction with defining ideas of " big science ", and also on a material of concrete ethical concepts. As a program principle the statement about a substantiation of moral principles as congenital biological structures is accepted. Based on concrete positions of works of D. Dennet and I. Merkulov, the author addresses to concept of rationality which "works" as one of the reasons both in evolutionary process and in development of culture. Appearance of special human models of behaviour during evolution can be presented as selection of some conditions focused on efficiency which in the world of culture gets valuable senses of mutual aid, cooperation, altruism.
98. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 10
Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Artemov The Prerequisites of the Responsibility: The Liberty and the Morality
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The responsibility of the subjects is the most important basis of the social life. Recurrences of irresponsible behaviour on the all levels of the modern society do the problem of the purposeful cultivation of the liberty and the morality to be more actual nowadays. The liberty and the morality realized by any personality become the prerequisites of the responsibility that are so necessary for the society. Became the true reality the responsibility provides the sustainable reproduction of all system of feelings, convictions and actions and raises the liberty to the higher and more deliberate stage. Responding to the changes of the time the philosophy has to be urged to clarify the idea of the closing of the social anthropology, aksiologiya and ethics.
99. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 10
О.В. Артемьева Аретический подход к исследованию общественной морали
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Traditionally virtue ethics was considered as a theory about personal perfection. So it may seem that virtue theory hardly can be adopted to the study of social morality which, as some researchers demonstrate, is formalized and institutionalized, effect-oriented and presupposes not personal but shared imputation. However, as impartial analysis of the history of moral philosophy displays, virtue ethics has always had social dimension and has never existed out ofit. For example, Aristotelian ethics extends to politics and his politics is considerably mediated by ethics. And many of modern virtue ethicists proclaim the social orientation of their theories as of high priority. Today social virtue ethics is making substantial progress in applied and professional spheres. My aim is to demonstrate which peculiar basic features of virtue ethics make it effective in dealing with the most urgent social problems.
100. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 13
Evgeny Loginov To the Question about the Classification of Conception