Displaying: 41-60 of 64 documents

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41. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 25 > Issue: 2
Drew Smith The Problem of Necessitism
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In his 2013 monograph Modal Logic as Metaphysics, Timothy Williamson develops and defends a view he terms necessitism. According to necessitism, everything that exists does so necessarily (alternatively, necessarily everything is necessarily something). I demonstrate that necessitism is incompatible with the conjunction of two doctrines rooted in the broadly Nicene tradition: God’s metaphysical sovereignty and freedom. First, I exposit and formalize the two doctrines in question. Next, I expound Williamson’s theory of necessitism. Third, I demonstrate the formal incompatibility of the conjunction of the two doctrines with necessitism. Finally, I conclude with reflections on the implications of this incompatibility.
...—irrespective of kind. 9 Hence, even abstract objects—such as numbers and ... and abstract objects. 11. Ibid., 32 ... Abstract Objects: The Coherence of Theism: Aseity (Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2017 ...
42. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 17 > Issue: 2
Peter van Inwagen A Reply to Craig
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In “God and Other Uncreated Things,” I defended the position that at least some properties (attributes, qualities, and so forth) are uncreated. I argued that this thesis does not contradict the creedal statement that God is the creator of all things, visible and invisible, because that statement presupposes a domain of quantification that does not include (the things that I call) properties. William Lane Craig has contended that this defense of the consistency of my position with the Nicene Creed fails, owing to the fact that there are clear patristic statements to the effect that the domain of quantification presupposed in the Nicene Creed must be understood as absolutely unrestricted. In this paper, I grant his premise but present reasons for doubting whether his conclusion—that the proposition that there are uncreated properties contradicts the Nicene Creed—follows from it.
... to see why Craig found my views about abstract objects so ... that abstract objects—numbers, propositions, attributes ...
43. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 16 > Issue: 1
J. Caleb Clanton A (Partial) Peircean Defense of the Cosmological Argument: A Response to Rowe
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William Rowe’s criticism of the cosmological argument takes aim at the argument’s reliance on the principle of sufficient reason. In this short paper, I outline out how C. S. Peirce’s insights regarding abductive reasoning might be useful in defending the cosmological argument against Rowe’s worry concerning the principle of sufficient reason and the role it plays in the argument.
... discussion in this journal concerning the ontology of abstract objects ... Abstract Objects: A Prolegomenon,” Philosophia Christi 13 (2011): 255–74; Keith Yandell ... Perspective on God and Abstract Objects,” Philosophia Christi 13 (2011 ...
44. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 13 > Issue: 1
James Anderson No Dilemma for the Proponent of the Transcendental Argument: A Response to David Reiter
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David Reiter has recently argued that presuppositionalist apologists who champion the transcendental argument for God’s existence (TAG) face a dilemma: depending on what conclusion the argument is supposed to establish, either TAG is inadequate to deliver that conclusion or else TAG is superfluous (thus bringing into question claims about its importance and distinctiveness as a theistic argument). By way of reply, I contend that several plausible lines of response are available to the proponent of TAG in the face of this purported dilemma. I hope thereby to advance scholarly discussion of TAG by clarifying its structure, content, and goal.
... existent abstract objects (e.g., numbers, propositions, and ... , “Theistic Conceptual Realism: The Case for Interpreting Abstract ... Objects as Divine Ideas” (DPhil, Oxford University, 2006). 26 ...
45. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 24 > Issue: 2
Walter J. Schultz Orcid-ID An Augustinian–Edwardsian Metaphysics of Possibility for the Barcan Formula
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The Barcan formula is a theorem of quantified modal logic. Its most straightforward interpretation appears to commit one to “possibilism,” the view that merely possible things exist. Alternative systems of logic revise the formal semantics to preclude the theorem and its consequences. The crux, however, is the modal metaphysics presupposed by the formal semantics. This paper presents an alternative metaphysics of possibility that follows Augustine’s suggestion that God’s plan is only one of a range of alternative histories for a creation. The metaphysics is a version of “trace actualism”—neither pure possibilism nor pure actualism.
... a creation or a platonic realm of abstract objects. Rather, they are the ... there is a platonic realm of abstract objects existing ...
46. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 19 > Issue: 1
Walter Schultz A Counterexample Deity Theory
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In his book God and Necessity and in four subsequent papers, Brian Leftow argues against metaphysical theories which hold that “God’s nature makes necessary truths true or gives rise to their truthmakers,” asserting that all such “deity theories commit us to the claim that God’s existence depends on there being truthmakers for particular necessary truths about creatures.” Leftow supports this by arguing that all deity theories entail that if it is untrue that water = H2O, then God does not exist. This paper presents a counterexample deity theory along with a synopsis of its correlative theory of truth and truthmaking.
... God knows. So, propositions, on this view, are not abstract objects ... theory of truth and truthmaking and for a theory of God and the so-called abstract ... objects in general. So it is important to respond to Leftow. Accordingly ...
47. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 20 > Issue: 1
John C. Wingard, Jr. God and Possible Worlds: A Reformed Exploration
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In this essay I consider how God is related to possible worlds from a classically evangelical and Reformed perspective, contending that God’s essential perfections determine what is genuinely possible. I then consider briefly three views that take God to be a significant delimiter of possible worlds and offer some defense of one of those views, the view that there are many genuinely possible worlds that are equally and unsurpassably good and that God might have chosen to actualize. I conclude by noting two significant implications of my position, one epistemological and the other concerning the problem of evil.
... abstract objects as I do, but rather than taking them to be states of ... and impossible worlds as states of affairs, hence abstract objects, most of what I ...
48. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 5 > Issue: 2
J. P. Moreland Hud Hudson’s 4DPartism and Human Persons
... abstract objects nor entities that must be located at one and only ...
49. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 12 > Issue: 1
William Lane Craig Timothy O’Connor on Contingency: A Review Essay on Theism and Ultimate Explanation
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In the first part of Theism and Ultimate Explanation Timothy O’Connor provides a compact survey of the metaphysics and epistemology of modality, defending modal realism and a priorism. In the book’s second half he defends a Leibnizian-style cosmological argument for an absolutely necessary being. He seeks to answer four questions: (1) Is the idea of a necessary being coherent? (2) In what way is the postulation of such a being explanatory? (3) Does the assumption of necessary being commit us to denying the very contingency of mundane things which it is meant to explain? (4) What are the implications of necessary being for theology? In this review I highlight a few of the obscurities and apparent weaknesses of this otherwise commendable book.
... as abstract objects with divine aseity and necessity, which he is so anxious ...
50. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 16 > Issue: 2
Travis Dumsday Nominalist Dispositionalism and a Cosmological Argument
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Dispositionalism is most often paired with some form of realism about universals, whether moderate or Platonic. However, both historically and in the contemporary literature there have been advocates of nominalist dispositionalism. Here I argue that such a combination is likely to be workable only given the truth of theism (or some form of metaphysical nonnaturalism akin to theism). For those already inclined to favor nominalism and dispositionalism, a novel cosmological argument for theism results. Correspondingly, for nominalists already opposed to theism, it provides new reason to oppose dispositionalism, while for dispositionalists opposed to theism it provides new reason to reject nominalism.
... Craig (e.g., his “A Nominalist Perspective on God and Abstract ... Objects,” Philosophia Christi 13 (2011): 305–18). While valuable and ...
51. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 6 > Issue: 1
Richard Brian Davis On Individuators: A Reply to Timothy Pickavance
... of them, are abstract objects—maximally consistent states of affairs or ...
52. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 23 > Issue: 1
Walter J. Schultz Orcid-ID Genuine Logical Consequence
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Our pretheoretic sense of the relation of logical consequence arises from our experience of deductive inference. By ignoring the priority of inference and failing to provide an account of the ontological grounds of the conceptual experience and of the modal and truth elements in the statement of our pretheoretical sense, informal and technical accounts are at best partial. This paper proposes an ontological analysis of both elements which accounts for our conceptual experience and differentiates genuine from ersatz logical consequence.
53. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 21 > Issue: 2
Elliott R. Crozat Does Open Theism Explain God’s Planning of Creation?: An Assessment of Timothy Blank’s “The Open Theistic Multiverse”
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In this essay, I assess Timothy Blank’s “The Open Theistic Multiverse.” In his article, Blank attempts to show that Open Theism explains how God can plan the creation of a multiverse containing creatures with libertarian freedom. I underscore some benefits of Blank’s article while arguing that, despite its strengths, his paper fails to provide a sufficient explanation of God’s precreational planning.
.... 7. Some might object as follows: “Types are not abstract objects. Instead, they ...
54. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 15 > Issue: 1
E. J. Lowe Naturalism, Theism, and Objects of Reason
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It is argued that the dispute between philosophical naturalism and theism can, ultimately, only be rationally resolved in favor of theism, owing to certain internal inadequacies of philosophical naturalism that are commonly overlooked by both its friends and its foes. The criticisms of philosophical naturalism focus on certain questions concerning the ontological status of the objects of human reason and probe into the nature of human rationality and the conditions of its possibility. There is an implicit challenge to mainstream philosophical opinion concerning the relationship between human thought and reasoning and the sorts of facts about human brains that can be revealed by empirical neuroscience.
... concerning concrete, as opposed to abstract, objects? Philosophical naturalists ...
55. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 1 > Issue: 2
Dallas Willard How Concepts Relate the Mind to Its Objects: The “God’s Eye View” Vindicated?
... on “The Metaphysics of Concepts,” “Concepts are abstract objects ...
56. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 15 > Issue: 1
Angus J. L. Menuge Neuroscience, Rationality, and Free Will: A Critique of John Searle’s Libertarian Naturalism
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John Searle claims that reasoning requires libertarian free will. He hopes this can be reconciled with a naturalistic neuroscience through a sophisticated theory of emergence, which includes indeterminism (the brain’s state is not sufficient to determine its next state), and topdown causation (higher-level features of the brain can act back on its microlevel features). This is allegedly naturalistic because each mental state is causally reducible to a realizing neuronal state. I argue that Searle’s theory fails to overcome four main problems (the location, exclusion, epiphenomenalism, and substantial selves problems) and cannot account for reasoning without implicit appeal to nonnaturalistic entities.
... 31. While abstract objects may be an exception (though even this is disputed), it ...
57. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 18 > Issue: 2
Tyler Dalton McNabb, Orcid-ID Erik D. Baldwin Reformed Epistemology and the Pandora’s Box Objection
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Furthering our project of applying Plantinga’s epistemology to different world religions, we do a comparative study of Mormonism and Vaiśeṣika Hinduism and analyze whether they can utilize Plantinga’s epistemology in order to claim that their beliefs about God if true are probably warranted. Specifically, we argue that they cannot, as ultimately they are unable to account for the preconditions needed to make for an intelligible cognitive design plan, due to either affirming an infinite regress when it comes to the designers of our cognitive faculties or affirming an infinite number of cosmological cycles in which our faculties are formed.
... Views on the Problem of God and Abstract Objects, ed. Paul Gould ...
58. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 6 > Issue: 1
Timothy Pickavance The Farewell to Leibnizian Essences Matured: A Reply to Richard Brian Davis
59. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 21 > Issue: 1
Troy Catterson Grounding the Good: On Self-Predication, Self-Fulfilling Goals, and Moral Naturalism
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I argue that moral goodness is necessarily self-predicating. That is to say, the property of being morally good is morally good. I then argue that reductions of moral goodness to natural properties, particularly utilitarian specifications, are not necessarily self-predicating. Therefore, such reductions are not successful. Finally, I consider the possibility of defining the good as “fulfilling God’s design plan.” I show that, under an Aristotelian construal of property existence this property is provably self-predicating.
60. Philosophia Christi: Volume > 11 > Issue: 2
Keith E. Yandell Religious Pluralism: Reductionist, Exclusivist, and Intolerant?
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There is a general recognition that there are various self-identifying religions. Many people find the idea that these religions differ in significant ways altogether too distressing to accept. Thus Religious Pluralism is often taken to define the only unbiased, rational, and acceptable approach to the diversity of religions. In fact, the Pluralist route is anything but unbiased or rational. Rather than being the only acceptable approach, it should be flatly rejected. While proclaiming its respect to all nice religious traditions (ones that are not nice are simply cast out), it proposes a radical reshaping of religious traditions along the lines that it favors. Coming to clear terms with this imperialistic fact concerning Religious Pluralist procedures is no part of their agenda.