Displaying: 101-120 of 479 documents

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101. Philotheos: Volume > 19 > Issue: 2
Abbas Ahsan The Paradox of an Absolute Ineffable God of Islam
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The laws of logic and two of the broader theories of truth are fundamental components that are responsible for ensuring such an ontology and meaningfulness. In this respect they have persisted as conventional attitudes or modes of thought which most, if not all, of analytic philosophy uses to philosophize. However, despite the conceptual productivity of these components they are unable to account for matters that are beyond them. These matters would include certain theological beliefs, for instance, that transcend the purview of analytic ontology and the meaningfulness it ensues. Any attempt in making rational sense of such beliefs that are insusceptible to these methodological components would conventionally prohibit (restrict) us from rationally believing in them. This is because we would be unable to make sense of such beliefs with the aid of these methodological components. As a result of this, religious beliefs of this particular nature would be deemed irrational. I shall demonstrate this point by applying both of these components to an ab­solutely ineffable God of Islam. This would entail, attempting to make sense of an absolutely ineffable God of Islam in virtue of the laws of logic and two broad categories of truth theories, namely, substantive and insubstantive theories. I hope to establish that applying both of these methodological components in attempting to make sense of an absolutely ineffable God of Islam would not be conceptually viable. It would result in a contradictory notion which I shall allude to as the paradox of ineffability.
102. Philotheos: Volume > 19 > Issue: 2
Radoje Golović Eschatological Perspective of N. Berdyaev’s Philosophy of History
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The fundamental insight that N. Berdyaev obtains in his historiosophical reflections is that history is antinomic and the historical process is catastrophic since it has to end, because “the world cannot exist eternally”. In its global, empirical (objective) dimension, history resembles an absurd comedy “in which nothing ever succeeds”. The idea of history as a long duration (long duree) and permanent progress misses its essence. According to Berdyaev, such history is meaningless, and it has to end. Its true meaning is revealed only in “its end” and “before the face of eternity”. Terrestrial history does not have its epilogue and the final solution in historical time but in celestial history when the boundaries between the immanent and the transcendent world disappear. History is the path to another and different, sublime and spiritual (noumenal) world that lies beyond the boundaries of everything historical. The destiny of man, which lies at the heart of history, assumes a meta-historical goal and a trans-historical solution to the destiny of history in a different, eternal time. To summarize, history has an eschatological meaning. Although there is an unsolvable tragic conflict between the individual human destiny and the destiny of humanity as a whole within the framework of history, Berdyaev, following the entire tradition of Russian religious philosophy, is convinced that the overcoming of that contradiction on the historical level is possible with love as the salvation and the main driving force of the soul and the source of all the spiritual creation of man.
103. Philotheos: Volume > 2
Jörg Splett Einheit - Vielheit (Paper für ein Gespräch mit Künstlern)
104. Philotheos: Volume > 2
Christos Térézis, Elisavet Kamitsi Le mythe de Protagoras à l'œuvre du Néoplatonicien Proclus
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La présence du terme «technique» dans les oeuvres des philosophes de l'Ecole Néoplatonicienne est assez limitée. Cela est dû à cause de la décadence des instutitions politiques durant la dernière periode de l'époque romaine et de l'époque byzantine précoce. Les Néoplatoniciens croient que la personne n'est pas mû par soijmême pour sa vie et il se contrôle par des pouvoirs qui interviennent effectivement dans la vie sociale. De cette façon, ils conclurent au résultat que la «technique» n'est peut pas fonctionner comme une intervention effective des hommes dans la démarche productive et dans la vie sociale. Le résultat est que leur pensée se dirige vers le divin. Ils considèrent que cela qui n'est pas réalisé dans le champ social, c'est possiple de se passer sous d'autres conditions au terrain métaphysique et que les pouvoirs divins sont les architectes authentiques qui forment ou modulent un système cosmologique des fonctions infaillibles.
105. Philotheos: Volume > 2
Christos Yannaras Orthodoxy and the West
106. Philotheos: Volume > 2
Kurt Hübner Metaphysik und Offenbarung
107. Philotheos: Volume > 2
Κωνστάντινος Νικολακόπουλος Βυξαντινή μουσική
108. Philotheos: Volume > 2
Eberhard Jüngel Arbeit und Lebensführung in theologischer Perspektive
109. Philotheos: Volume > 2
Karin Alt Zu zwei Aussagen über Plotins Kindheit und Tod (Porphyrios Vita Plotini 2, 26f. und 3, 1-6)
110. Philotheos: Volume > 2
Benoit-Dominique de La Soujeole Le Mystère de l'Eglise
111. Philotheos: Volume > 2
Tschasslaw D. Kopriwiza Die metaphysische und die neuzeitliche Philosophie im Widerstreit: Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Analyse ihrer Grundzüge
112. Philotheos: Volume > 2
Bogdan M. Lubardić The Ungrund Doctrine and its Function in the Christian Philosophy of Nicolai A. Berdyaev
113. Philotheos: Volume > 2
Agnieszka Kijewska Divine Non-Being in Eriugena and Cusanus
114. Philotheos: Volume > 2
Walter M. Neidl Der unergründliche Mensch: Eine philosophiegeschichtliche Analyse
115. Philotheos: Volume > 2
Adolf Martin Ritter 2000 Jahre Christentum im Widerspruch - Belastungen und Chancen
116. Philotheos: Volume > 2
Beate Regina Suchla Wenn die Liebe sich verströmt: Zur Liebes-Konzeption des Dionysius Areopagita
117. Philotheos: Volume > 2
Alois M. Haas Mystische Henologie als Denkform
118. Philotheos: Volume > 2
Klaus Müller Von der Möglichkeit und Notwendigkeit, heute von Gott zu reden
119. Philotheos: Volume > 2
Bogoljub Šijaković Guilt and Repentance
120. Philotheos: Volume > 20 > Issue: 1
Wolfgang Speyer Zur Bewusstseinslage des heutigen abendlandischen Menschen