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Displaying: 21-40 of 40 documents

part iii. book reviews

21. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24
David W. Bryant

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22. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24
Peter J. Colosi

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23. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24
Steven Abell

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24. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24
David A. Tamisiea

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25. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24
James R. Gaston

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26. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24
John F. Quinn

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27. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24
Gerard M. McKeegan

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28. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24
Nathan Pinkoski

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29. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24
Andrew M. Essig

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30. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24
Michael Curry

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31. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24
James R. Kelly

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part iv. public and church affairs

32. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24
Stephen M. Krason

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This was one of SCSS President Stephen M. Krason’s “Neither Left nor Right, but Catholic” columns that appear monthly in Crisis and The Wanderer. It discusses the solid social science research that shows the harms to children raised in same-sex households. He says that in spite of this the child protective system (CPS), which seems to regard such things as spanking and free-range parenting as child abuse/neglect apparently does not view the harms of same-sex parenting to be worthy of investigating. Krason suggests that this is because of the ideological biases that characterize the CPS.
33. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24
Stephen M. Krason

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This was one of SCSS President Stephen M. Krason’s “Neither Left nor Right, but Catholic” columns that appear monthly in Crisis and The Wanderer. In it, he discusses how the current oppressive actions directed against those who oppose or dissent on religious grounds to various aspects of the sexual revolution—such as the agenda of the homosexualist movement—are in line with the oppressive actions directed against those who opposed blatant sexual immorality by politically powerful figures at earlier historical times, such as King Henry VIII in England. Effectively, sexual immorality has at times in history paved the way for political tyranny and reshaped nations.
34. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24
Guillermo Montes

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This brief article discusses Oeconomicae et Pecuniariae Quaestiones, a document published by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Discatery for Promoting Integral Human Development in May, 2018. The document focused on analyzing the current economic-financial global system and raised questions about its functioning from an ethical perspective rooted in Catholic social teaching. This article describes the structure, some themes, and some recommendations from the document; as well as some problems with the document that limit its influence.
35. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24
Joseph A. Varacalli

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This Comment concerns itself with the relationship between the social policies of U.S. President Donald J. Trump and, respectively, American civilization and Catholic social thought. Also included are discussions of two recent American populist social movements, the Tea Party and that one generated by a commitment to the Trump Presidency, insofar as the latter relates to the primary focus of this Comment.

part v. documentation

36. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24
Stephen M. Krason

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37. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24
Msgr. Robert J. Batule

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38. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24
Msgr. Robert J. Batule

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39. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24

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part vi. about the authors

40. Catholic Social Science Review: Volume > 24

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