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traditions in semiotics

1. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Laura Gherlone

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A particular aspect of Juri Lotman’s semiotic theory is, without a doubt, the acknowledgment of the impossibility of adopting a single scientific languagefor the comprehension of processes underlying cultural dynamics. In his last work, Unpredictable Mechanisms of Culture, Lotman underscores that natural sciences and humanities have to search for the unity of the incompatible through a profound meta-linguistic dialogue. This can happen only considering the reality in its antinomies, or as informed by a plurality of languages reciprocally aimed to express the real movement of objects – a hetero geneous and contradictory movement: hence, Lotman’s suggestion (which is also his ethical legacy) that the Aristotelian polyhedral unity of science be returned to. The aim of this paper is to retrace Lotman’s relationship with the ideas of science, scientificity and interdisciplinary method, stressing his last reflections concerning the urgency of returning to the Aristotelian unified structure of knowledge, or a form of knowledge in which different and never completely mutually translatable scientific languages coexist autonomously, while being in a dialogue.
2. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Laura Gherlone

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3. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Laura Gherlone

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4. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Petre Petrov

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The article develops a critique of John Deely’s ontological realism, specifically in its relevance for the project of global semiotics. Deely, whose theorizations rely heavily on the pre-modern philosophical systems of Thomas Aquinas and the Latin scholastics, has made the most sustained attempt to give philosophical grounding to Charles Peirce’s famous intuition that “all this universe is perfused with signs, if it is not composed exclusively of signs”. The critique developsalong two main lines. Firstly, I contend that Deely’s account of onto logical relations is unsatisfactory, for it assumes the very fact it promises to demonstrate: the identity between patterns of physical events, on one hand, and patt erns of thought, on the other. As it is never adequately explained what it means for the former to be identical with the latter, the mediating term – “ontological relation” – remains highly problematic. Secondly, I argue that even if this ontological paradigm is allowed to stand as proposed, it still fails to bridge the gap between the so-called “natural” signs and human-specific, language-based signification; for, as it posits a unity between the stipulable and the non-stipulable sign, the argument falls into a performative contradiction.
5. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Petre Petrov

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6. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Petre Petrov

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7. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Renira Rampazzo Gambarato

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This paper discusses design process as a creative activity along with conceptual correlations of the semiotics developed by Charles Sanders Peirce. The central aim of this paper is to examine one of the most important concepts in Peirce’s theory related to design praxis: the concept of abduction. Abduction is the drivingforce behind creation and a way of producing new ideas. Peirce’s original concept is fundamental in order to maintain constant commitment to innovation required by design. To transmit messages in a creative way it is more efficient to intensely work with associations by similarity in order to obtain signs rich in information and analogies. Design communicates by all its constituent elements: shape, function, colour, material, technique, technology, etc. Therefore, signs of design share peculiar values of artistic signs as well as those of communicative ones. The associated information is as much aesthetic (shape) as it is semantic (content). The appropriation of Peircean concepts contributes to the understanding of the creative process, which in turn is crucial for understanding new possibilities by means of design.
8. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Renira Rampazzo Gambarato

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9. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Renira Rampazzo Gambarato

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10. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Andrey Tashev

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This article focuses on the views held by the early Bulgarian representative and interpreter of pragmatism Ivan Sarailiev (1887–1969) on the two trends of this doctrine – the method for ascertaining meaning proposed by Charles Sanders Peirce, and the theory of truth propounded by William James. Sarailiev applied andpropagated the pragmatist ideas of the doctrine’s founders in Bulgaria in the 1920s, and is thus one of the first followers of Peirce in Europe and the very first in Eastern Europe. How deep was Sarailiev’s understanding of the two types of pragmatism? How did they shape his philosophy and what was their role? This article will try to address these questions as well as presenting the overall reception of pragmatism in Bulgaria in the Interwar period through Sarailiev who was its only serious proponent both at the time and long aft erwards.
11. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Andrey Tashev

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12. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Andrey Tashev

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13. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Remo Gramigna

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This paper presents a theoretical investigation of the issue of lying from a semiotic perspective and its specific aim is the analysis of the theory of the lie asconceived by Aurelius Augustinus, bishop of Hippo (354–430 A.D.), also known as Augustine or St. Augustine. The latter devoted two short treatises to the issue oflying: De mendacio (On lying) and Contra mendacium (Against lying), written in ca. 395 DC and 420 DC, respectively. Th e paper will focus on duplicity and intention to deceive as fundamental and necessary features of the lie. Augustine’s chief contribution to the study of human deception was to have severed the assessment of what is a lie from factual falsity. For Augustine, at the kernel of the notion of lying lies the idea of intentionality. Following this line of thought, the paper singles out two types of intentionality, namely the intention to assert a falsehood and the intention to mislead. On the basis of this double nature of intentionality, the present paper seeks to outline a theoretical framework for the study of species of falsehoods. The outcome is a typology of untruthfulness that envisages a fourfold inventory of falsehoods based on the difference between jokes, errors, lies and pretences.
14. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Remo Gramigna

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15. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Remo Gramigna

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16. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Prisca Augustyn

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This paper explains how we create concepts such as the forest or the backyard through language. Reflecting on Andreas Weber’s hope for a revolution of the life sciences and a re-evaluation of the role human beings play in nature, this paper adopts as a starting point Bruno Latour’s characterization of the distinctionbetween nature and culture as an illusion that came with Modernity. Theoretical notions from modelling systems theory and cognitive linguistics explain that whilelanguage plays a key role in constructing new models of nature, new cognitive habits and changes of belief depend on face-to-face and non-verbal communication with other organisms, human and non-human.
17. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Prisca Augustyn

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18. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Prisca Augustyn

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19. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Davide Weible

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This paper recognizes a specific correspondence between biological evolution and technological development and on this basis tries to set up a semioticapproach to the evolutionary phenomenon of exaptation. To do this, the existence of a historical-structural and pragmatic analogy between organs and tools is shown, which in turn implies on a communicative ground the dissolution of some of their traditional distinctive att ributes. Finally, a philosophical-analytical approach to natural and cultural functions is applied to define three types of exaptations.
20. Sign Systems Studies: Volume > 41 > Issue: 4
Davide Weible

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