Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy

Volume 51, 2018

Philosophy of Globalization

Long Cheng
Pages 43-50

China Model in Globalization Process

No matter from which perspective, the presentation of the China model is an important event in the process of globalization. Why can the Chinese model achieve its success? What problems has it encountered? How can it resolve the problems and keep its sustainable development? What effect will China model bring to the world? In my opinion, the Chinese success depends upon five decisive factors: the pragmatic theories, the authoritarian political system, the special market economic structure, the well-controlled and gradual opening-up policy and the hardworking people with a creative spirit. However, the Chinese development confronts several problems: for example, its cost is too high, some important relations have lost their balance, the reform of the political institution has lagged behind the economic reform, some countries feel nervous about China’s development, etc. To maintain its sustainability China must deal with five pairs of relations, including those between social justice and efficiency, political reform and economic reform, economic development and ecological protection, native culture and foreign culture, and between righteousness and benefit. Finally, improving the China model will be beneficial to the world development.