Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy

Volume 50, 2018

Philosophy of Education

Alexander Karpov
Pages 123-127

Social Paradigms and Education

The theory of social paradigms, developed by the author, proceeds from a specific paradigmatic situation of socio-cultural phenomenon (education, in particular), which differs in essence from a natural-science (natural) phenomenon that had been implicated by Kun’s conceptualization. “Paradigmatic” communities turn out to be a part of socio-cultural phenomenon. They both create and interpret the phenomenon, their theoretical examples being included into its functioning. The essential theory of the phenomenon’s being is expressed in an implicit (strong) paradigm, which is directly inbuilt into the reality rather than it is just being conceived. Doctrinal theories of local paradigms do not describe how reality is organized but rather indicate what it must look like through the spectacles of their ideas. In terms of the theory developed, the modern education motion towards paradigmatically differentiated system has been substantiated.