The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy

Volume 9, 2006

Philosophical Anthropology

Wang Xinyan
Pages 173-177

Globalization and Common Human Interests

A series of features of the contemporary globalization of human society, especially its dual positive arid negative effects, shows that contemporary globalization has great significance for the survival and development of mankind as a whole. From the point of view of its deep axiological significance, globalization has resulted in the formation of common human interests that manifest themselves negatively as the emergence of various global problems. The formation of common human interests and the emergence of global problems in turn have objectively introduced a specific norm of value to contemporary global society. This norm of value requires people in the contemporary global society to take common human interests as their value orientation when dealing with the relationship between the human being and the world, if they are to solve various contemporary global problems and make possible the continued survival of mankind and the sustainable development of human society.