Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology

Volume 25, Issue 1, 2021

Ryan JenkinsOrcid-ID, Zachary I. Rentz, Keith AbneyOrcid-ID
Pages 162-183

Big Brother Goes to School
Best Practices for Campus Surveillance Technologies During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Few sectors are more affected by COVID-19 than higher education. There is growing recognition that reopening the densely populated communities of higher education will require surveillance technologies, but many of these technologies pose threats to the privacy of the very students, faculty, and staff they are meant to protect. The authors have a history of working with our institution’s governing bodies to provide ethical guidance on the use of technologies, especially including those with significant implications for privacy. Here, we draw on that experience to provide guidelines for using surveillance technologies to reopen college campuses safely and responsibly, even under the specter of covid. We aim to generalize our recommendations, so they are sensitive to the practical realities and constraints that universities face.