Studia Neoaristotelica

Volume 10, Issue 3, 2013

A Journal of Analytic Scholasticism

Miroslav Hanke
Pages 22-50

Sémantika vět Martina Le Maistra Rekonstrukce scholastické sémantiky a ontologie komplexů

Martin Le Maistre (1432–1482), also known as Martinus Magistri, was one of the nominalists at the university of Paris from the watershed between medieval and postmedieval scholasticism. This influential logician, moral philosopher and theologian wrote a repeatedly edited treatise on logical consequence Tractatus consequentiarum. The present paper focuses on this treatise where Le Maistre, influenced by late-medieval logicians, develops a theory of validity based upon postulating abstract compound entities as sentential meanings (complexe significabile).