Philosophy and Global Affairs

Volume 1, Issue 2, 2021

Special Forum on Creolizing Social and Political Theory

Xiong MinOrcid-ID
Pages 259-266

What is an Intellectual and What Can an Intellectual Do at Present?
Keep Rosa Luxemburg in Mind

This essay considers the definition and role of intellectuals based on the inspiration of Rosa Luxemburg and the author’s personal experience. According to the author, an intellectual should not be defined by their occupation but by whether he or she is open-minded, tolerant, and does not give up thinking. The author further reflects on the relationship between individuals and groups, steps through which intellectuals participate in reality, and the difficulty of find-ing all the facts instead of being guided by selected facts. Based on the author’s self-analysis of herself during the COVID-19 pandemic, it could be concluded that intellectuals should never walk into the ranks of blindly cheering for victory and everyone needs to be heard and seen.