Roczniki Filozoficzne

Volume 69, Issue 4, 2021

Marek LechniakOrcid-ID
Pages 281-303

It Is Possible to Omit Ontology? Some Remarks Concerning Adam Jonkisz’s Book Pytania i odpowiedzi [Questions and Answers]

In this paper I first present in a few sentences the main theses of Ajdukiewicz’s theory of questions, then I briefly express the main theses of Professor Jonkisz’s book and the indisputable advantages of this work. Then I put forward my objections to some theoretical solutions adopted by the Author, namely the assumption that datum questionis is sequence of components without any syntactic requirements, the assumption about the special character of the so called generalized negation and the assumption that no ontological assumptions are adopted in the work. The adoption of the language of set theory is already a privileging of a set theory ontology.