Roczniki Filozoficzne

Volume 23, Issue 3, 1975

Filozofia Przyrody

Krystyna Szpanbruker
Pages 117-128

The Protection of Nature — A Protection of Man

The natural environment is man’s only environment. Man is organically a part of this environment. Therefore, the problem of the maintenance of healthy and vital societies depends on our possibilities of the preservation of balance in nature and its protection. The traditional methods in the field of ’’protection of nature” have been replaced by the new ones. The most important tasks in this movement are: 1. protection and cultivation of landscape, 2. prevention against the destructive action of natural forces, 3. protection of natural resources. The wasteful exploitation of natural resources (i.e., atmospheric air, water, soil, the world of living creatures, mineral deposits) has often brought about disastrous conseqeunces (e.g. the large desert areas in the Middle East). In the last few decades the rapid growth of industry, transportation and urbanization have led to the destruction of creative forces of nature; therefore the protection of nature became the problem of man’s protection against his inconsiderate economy with natural resources. Fascinated by new technological achievements we forget the fate of future generations.