Philosophy and Theology

Volume 27, Issue 2, 2015

Andrew Jacob Cuff
Pages 351-389

Duns Scotus and Jacques de Thérines on Free Will and the Word’s Assumption of Human Nature
Two Quodlibeta from Advent 1306

The close proximity and topical confluence of two early fourteenth-century quodlibetal disputations, those of John Duns Scotus and Jacques de Thérines, has drawn the attention of several scholars. Antonie Vos argues that Thérines’s quodlibet exhibits the influence of Scotus’s, yet no solid evidence has yet been provided for the chronology of their delivery or publication. Most scholars agree that they likely delivered their quodlibets in the same year: 1306. The following article gives a full exposition of corresponding topics in the two texts, closely analyzing them for clues as to which influenced the other.

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