Teaching Philosophy

Volume 32, Issue 2, June 2009

Katherine E. Kirby
Pages 153-176

Encountering and Understanding Suffering
The Need for Service Learning in Ethical Education

Cited by

  • Nai Ming Tsang. Social Work Education. Othernessand empathy—implications of Lévinas ethics for social work education 2017. [CrossRef]
  • Judy Bruce. Self-Study in Physical Education Teacher Education 2014: 129. [CrossRef]
  • Belén Zayas Latorre, Vicent Gozálvez Pérez, Javier Gracia Calandín. Revista Complutense de Educación. La Dimensión Ética y Ciudadana del Aprendizaje Servicio: Una apuesta por su institucionalización en la Educación Superior 2018. [CrossRef]
  • Ashleigh B. Thompson. The New Educator. Claiming a Pedagogy of Interruption through International Experiences 2019. [CrossRef]
  • Katie MacDonald. Qualitative Research. Toward a transnational feminist methodology of encounter 2020. [CrossRef]
  • Lana Parker. Studies in Philosophy and Education. The Skin as Seen: Thinking Through Racialized Subjectivities and Pedagogy with Levinas 2022. [CrossRef]
  • Zaida Espinosa Zárate. Educational Philosophy and Theory. Problem-Based Service Learning (PB-SL): Constructing a pedagogy of poverty based on Ignacio Ellacuría 2022. [CrossRef]
  • Judy Bruce. The Wiley International Handbook of Service‐Learning for Social Justice 2018: 203. [CrossRef]
  • Kate Rossiter. Journal of Medical Humanities. Bearing Response-Ability: Theater, Ethics and Medical Education 2012. [CrossRef]
  • Claire Elise Katz. The Encyclopedia of Political Thought 2014: 2108. [CrossRef]
  • A. Rossiter. British Journal of Social Work. Unsettled Social Work: The Challenge of Levinas's Ethics 2011. [CrossRef]
  • Judy Bruce. Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education. On racism and prejudice: exploring post-critical possibilities for service-learning within physical education teacher education 2015. [CrossRef]
There may be additional citations on Google Scholar.