Philosophy in the Contemporary World

Volume 21, Issue 2, Fall 2014

The Value of Philosophy in the Contemporary World

David Alexander Craig
Pages 52-60

From Philosophy of Race to Antiracist Politics: On Rorty's Approach to Race and Racism

Shannon Sullivan has criticized Richard Rorty for the discrepancy in his treatments of Cornel West and Marilyn Frye's prophetic philosophies, which Sullivan reads to indicate a racial bias on Rorty's part. This article defends Rorty from this criticism, first clarifying his view of the discontinuous relation of philosophy to politics, then, on the basis of this clarification, arguing that Rorty's different treatments of West and Frye do not reveal a racial bias as Sullivan claims. Finally, revisiting Rorty's exchange with Nancy Fraser, it is argued that although Rorty has no philosophy of race, he does offer a strong antiracist politics.