Cover of Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy

Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy


Manuscripts are accepted for publication on the understanding that they have been submitted solely to the Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy, and that they have not been previously published - either in whole or in part. Articles are expected to be in the range of 3000-6000 words.

All submissions must be made by email to [email protected] with the manuscript file attached in Word format. Please include your name, contact information, and the title of your paper in your message. All submissions will be acknowledged by email, and all subsequent correspondence regarding the manuscript will alsobe sent via email.

Submitted manuscripts must be prepared for double-blind refereeing, with any and all revealing references to the author removed, including personal acknowledgments. Any submission that does not adequately conceal the identity of its author will not be reviewed. All manuscripts must be paginated.

Please follow APA 6.0 Manual Style, and observe the guidelines listed below when preparing submissions. Information about the APA (American Psychological Association) style is available HERE.

While the editors are willing to read and evaluate a manuscript, please note that they may ask for revision of excessively long submissions. The final version of accepted manuscripts must be formatted as a Word file.

Preparation of Manuscripts

The first page should include the title of the paper, the name of the author and an abstract of not more than 150 words which will be printed along with the text; subsequent pages should be numbered and an address for correspondence should appear at the end. Contributions should be in English.

Language Editing

If English is not your native language, you may wish to have your manuscriptit edited for language prior to submission. This may help to ensure that the scholarly content of your paper is clearly understood by editors and reviewers. Language editing does not guarantee that your manuscript will be accepted for publication.

APA Documentation

You must document whenever you quote, paraphrase, summarize, or use any idea, fact, or figure from source material (unless the material is “common knowledge”). The current form uses in-text parenthetical references in conjunction with an alphabetized References list (on a separate page at the end of your text).

In-Text Citation

APA style favors the use of the author’s name, followed by the publication date, as part of your sentence, like this:

"Strunk (1979) determined latent ....."

The other common choice is to put both the author’s last name and the year of publication in parentheses at the end of the sentence, like this:

" ...latent adipose deposits also may be a cause of the problem (Strunk, 1979)."

Whichever style you choose, remember that the following information is required for a complete citation:

  • 1. Author’s last name
  • 2. Year of publication (separated from the author’s name by a comma).
  • 3. Page number is optional for summary or paraphrase, but required when you use a direct quotation:
    "According to Gray (1996), his study results "were ridiculous" (p.2)."

Works Cited

The works list appears on a separate page at the end of your paper and is organized as follows:

  • 1. Alphabetically by author’s last name. If no author, alphabetical by first word in title (not “A” or “The”).
  • 2. Double-spaced.
  • 3. First line of each entry even with margin; subsequent lines indented five spaces.


BOOK, no author: Title. (Year). Place of publication: Publisher.

In-text citation: Grades are not the best measure of student learning (College Bound Series,1979).

Reference example: College bound seniors. (1979). Princeton, NJ: College Board Publication.

BOOK, single author: Author. (Year). Title: Place of publication: Publisher.

In-text citation: Thomas (1994) suggests the species do not run off the cliffs

Reference example: Thomas, L. R. (1994). The Life of Iemming: Notes on a species. New York: Macmillan.

BOOK, two or more authors: Authors (in order listed on title page; last name first for each author). (Year). Title. Place of publication: Publisher. (For first citations, list all authors. For future citations, use “et al.”)

In-text citation: : Shoe, Dore, and Roe (1995) suggest currents are a factor in navigation.

Shoe et al. (1995) support this view.

Reference example: Shoe, J. R., Dore, J., & Roe, T. (1995). Life of a rast in the Pacific Islands north of Hawaii. New York: Jossey-Bass.

Anthologized Work: Author of piece you are citing (e.g. article, essay, report). (Year). Title of piece you are citing. In editor’s name (Ed.), Book title with only first letter of first word capitalized (Inclusive pages of piece you are citing). Place of publication. Publisher.

In-text citation: German (1981) suggests family therapy may be successful.

Reference example: German, A. S. (1981). Family therapy outcome research: Knowns and unknowns. In
D. P. Kinstein (Ed.). Handbook of family therapy. (742-775). New York: Bruner/Mazel.

Scholarly Journal: Author. (Year). Title. Journal, Volume number, Inclusive pages.

In-text citation: Pinker (1980) found the third dimension more difficult for subjects than the first.

Reference example: Pinker, S. (1980). Mental imagery and the third dimension. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 109, 354-371.

Magazine: Author. (Year, month, and date). Title. Journal, Volume number, Inclusive pages.

In-text citation: Smith (1994) discusses the need for teaching history in elementary school.

Reference example: Smith, T. R. (1994, October 12). More old information you need. Time, 148, 34-38.

Newspaper: Author, if any. Headline. (Year, month and date). Paper, Page number.

In-text citation: Popular periodicals document the rise of chlorine residue (Took, 1994).

Reference example: Took, J. Study finds dioxins. (1994, April 3). London Times, p.1.

Government Document: Name of government agency or institute. (Year). Title. (Publication No.). City name: Country of government office.

In-text citation: FOR FIRST CITATION—SPELL OUT AGENCY NAME AND LIST ACRONYM. FOR SECOND CITATION—USE ACRONYM: Snail darter populations continue to decline (Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 1988).

Reference example: Environmental Protection Agency. (1988). Report on snail darter threat (No. 5634-223). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

ERIC Document: Author. (Year). Title (Report No.). East Lansing, MI: National Center for Research on Teacher Learning. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No.)

In-text citation: Syrdk (1993) says Bulgarian and Russian students have problems with articles.

Reference example: Syrdk, S.T. (1993). ESL problems faced by Eastern European immigrants. (Report No. NCRTL-tt-93-5). East Lansing, MI: National Center for Research on Teacher Learning. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 378 091)

On-Line Journal: Author. (date). Title of article. Name of periodical [On-line], Volume number. Available: specify path

In-text citation: Murphy (1995) discusses three causes of eating disorders in children.

Reference example: Murphy, T. (1995, March). Eating disorders in children.[online]

Database: Authors/contributors. (Year). Title of database [identify medium]. (YEAR HERE IF NO AUTHOR). Place of production or publication: Producer, Distributor, and/or Publisher [specify role]

In-text citation: ... over 40% of the population (National Psychological Survey, 1995).

Reference example: National Psychological Survey—Important topics in health [database]. (1995). Sacramento, CA: National Center for Statistics [Producer and Distributor].

CD-ROM: Author. (Date). Title of article or abstract [medium]. Journal, Volume number. Inclusive pages. Abstract from: Source and retrieval number

In-text citation: Meyer and Back (1992) remove all doubt about research interests.

Reference example: Meyer, A. S., & Back, K. (1992). The tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon: Blocking or partial activation? [CD-ROM]. Memory and Cognition, 20, 725-726. Abstract from Silver-Platter File: PsycLIT Item: 80-16351

In-text citation: Brener (1979) demonstrated the relationship between heart rate and stress.

Reference example: Brener, J. (1979, October). Energy, information and the control of heart rate. Paper presented at meeting of the Society for Research, Cincinnati, OH.

Indirect Sources: Author of material you read. (Year). Title of material you read. Title of source, Volume number, inclusive pages of material you read.

In-text citation: Johnson, in contrast, had positive results (as cited in Beatty, 1962)

Reference example: Beatty, J. (1962). Task-evoked pupilary responses, processing load, and the structure of processing resources. Psychological Bulletin, 91,276-292.

™ For information on other sources, please refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, the most recent edition possible. The summary here has been based on the 4th edition.

Caution on using materials on the internet: Some web sites and links may have been put there by amateur users or some may have been plagiarized from other sources. These pages should not be used as sources for academic papers. Look at the internet sources with a critical eye before you decide to use them.

SOURCE: METU Academic Writing Center -