Journal of Business Ethics Education

Volume 19, 2022

Wasilah Abdullah, Dodik Siswantoro, Sri Nurhayati, Evony Silvino Violita
Pages 67-76

Assessment of Zakat and Waqf Management Curricula in Indonesia Based on a Competency-based Curriculum

The curricula of the undergraduate study programs on Zakat and Waqf management in Indonesia are still in their early stages of development. In this research, we aim to evaluate these curricula using a competency-based approach towards several study programs. Specifically, we compare the needs of Zakat and Waqf management with the curricula of undergraduate study programs in Indonesian universities. To fulfil our objective, we conduct several interviews with the program heads and practitioners. We also propose a particular curriculum for the study programs on Zakat and Waqf management. For this purpose, we apply a comparative research method and engage in qualitative research. Our results show that some competencies are not accommodated in the current curricula to meet the expectations of the Zakat and Waqf management. Therefore, we argue that it is important to change these curricula content to achieve the expected competencies.