Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society

Volume 26, 2015

Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting

William Smith, Barrie Litzky, Kathleen Fadigan
Pages 212-219

The Pursuit of Pura Vida in the Educational Experience

Motivated by the desire to make our courses more relevant to students, we use experiential techniques that highlight the importance of civic and environmental causes. In three courses, across three disciplines, at three institutions, we are each grappling with issues of measuring student outcomes and assessment in sustainability themed courses. The purpose of this research is to compare the experiential mechanisms used across courses, in particular, service-learning and engaged scholarship, and with the help of IABS colleagues, to create relevant student outcome metrics. Our goal is to impact the scholarship of teaching by documenting pedagogical processes and outcomes that highlight best practices in the teaching of sustainability, and more broadly, business and society courses.