Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society

Volume 13, 2002

Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting

Timothy W. Edlund, Richard H. Franke
Pages 563-571

Business and Society: New Developments in Journal Quality

Socially responsible, ethical, and professional business practices are critical for effective management and good business performance. In the developing field of Business & Society, scholars need to identify appropriate journals; which was the objective of three surveys starting in 1991. With this field's growing importance, ratings rose for four journals devoted to it--Business and Society, Business Ethics Quarterly, the Journal of Business Ethics, and Research in Corporate Social Performance and Policy The first journal now nearly ties the Academy of Management Review as the highest quality venue for B&S publication. Four other general management journals remain as appropriate venues, but since 1991 all but one dropped in total rating. The ratings rise of its professional journals relative to general ones suggests Business and Society is becoming a distinctive field of business.