Epistemology & Philosophy of Science

Volume 51, Issue 1, 2017

Lora Ryskeldieva, Yulia Korotchenko
Pages 153-170

Textual approach in social philosophy

This article discusses the specifics of social and philosophic approach to studying society in the context of two basic tendencies in modern social researches: interdisciplinary studies and commitment to search of meaning/sense. Both tendencies point to a special subject of this research – text. The authors believe that social philosophy has a particular characteristic that should be preserved and an introduction of the concept “public text” will help the preservation. Publicity of social text is determined as its special status in the society consisting in creation of socially meaningful senses. Among public texts the authors single out publicistic texts that are of special format and possess expressed socially transforming potential. This article proposes valuative model as a method of analytically clear and reflexive reading of such text. It is being established that sociocultural research of modern days will have broader perspective in regards to specificity and thingness if it is involved with studying (analysis and interpretation) of namely texts. Social and philosophic research itself becomes text as well – mainly author’s and intentionally published, that preserves special features of philosophical text in general. The concept of “social text” loses virtual status at that, philologism as a regular consequence of modern interdisciplinary studies is being overcome and the subject of social and philosophical reflection is obtained from the area of text creation. The authors note two main research options of social philosophy – generalization of work results from experts in cultural studies, social studies, political studies, etc. (critical and methodological); determination and comprehension of socially important intents (reflexive and textological).