Catholic Social Science Review

Volume 4, 1999

Peter D. Beaulieu
Pages 157-166

Applying Centesimus Annus
Notes on Growing Younger as the World Grows Old

This paper begins to explore how we might actually "apply" to the social sciences the principles articulated first in Rerum Nov arum (RN), and now (re)presented in Centesimus Annus (CA). More correctly, it asks how the social sciences themselves might be better applied, now given the comprehensive ethical vision reflected in CA (and more recently developed in Fides et Ratio). The social sciences, while retaining their autonomy, must be relocated within an ethical context preserved and explored by Catholic social insights and teaching, which are rooted in the reality of the mystery of the human person as prior to any social system. To advance the needed dialogue, we conclude with preliminary thoughts for Catholic universities and colleges.