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Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy

Volume 35, 2008
Philosophy of Communication and Information

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articles in english

1. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 35
Yubraj Aryal

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At The promotion of international exchange of ideas can immensely contribute to the enhancement of global peace and mutual understanding because it provides one community an opportunity to know and thereby respect to the thoughts and ideas, values and belief systems of others, as well pragmatically apply those ideas and values in different social and cultural locations. This is particularly important to the intellectuals of the non-western space because on the one hand, postcolonial theoretical orientation has taught us to resist the strategic mindsets embedded in western systems of thought; on the other hand, we have a need to know and learn them not only to properly resist them but also to pay reverence to the humanistic contents and beauty of western humanities and toabsorb them in order to create and enrich our own humanities.
2. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 35
Krystyna Górniak-Kocikowska

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One of the important problems of the emerging ICT-driven global society is the issue of maintaining the national identity, important in many parts of the world. It is done, among others, through cultivation of the national language. However, the ‘language of ICT’ is dominated by English, which causes tensions between thedesire (and the necessity) to use ICT and join the globalization process, and the desire to preserve the national identity and national language. There is also a fear that ICT will force all people to think in English, and thus further jeopardize their sense of national identity. The use of ICT conditions people to ‘think English’ in communication with others in situations where they would normally use their native natural language. Moreover, it poses a potential danger of ‘culturalhomogenization,’ which in this case means the ‘Americanization’ of the ICT-driven global society. These problems indicate that there is an urgent need to find a way for people to benefit from digital technology, while maintaining their personal autonomy and the sense of national identity; accepting the new to the degree they feel comfortable with, while maintaining the ‘old ways’ as long as they want it. Such a solution could be the ‘dialectical synthesis’ of the various existing trends, and it would be a viable option for easing the current tensions.
3. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 35
Raisa B. Kvesko, Svetlana B. Kvesko, Irina L. Vanina

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In the article is founded that sociolinguistic communication is an interaction of subjects in which basis are language and textual activity. Person`s existence and work are directly and absolutely connected with a main function of language – communicative. Sociolinguistic reality is directly connected with a process ofcommunication. Communication is today an essential part of our life and is very important. In the article sociolinguistic communication rates as a social phenomenon, as a basis of interaction of subjects of educational area, as a complicated process of information transfer with help of certain signs and symbols connecting single parts of frames of society, also it`s a mechanism of power realization.
4. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 35
Kurt Mosser

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Although the Internet is often used to talk with those with whom one agrees, this paper presents an "agonistic" strategy designed to help students find discussion partners with whom they disagree. This "agonistic" strategy has a number of advantages, specifically helping students' skills in writing, reading, logic, and rhetoric, as well as helping them recognizes the values of these skills and the importance of being well-informed when one enters a debate. As a further benefit, this approach has improved classroom discussion and improved the substance and form of those discussions. In contrast with those who fear that the Internet hasushered in an age where citizens may choose only to look at that information confirming views they already hold, this exercise helps show that the distance among intellectual sparring partners is more of a gap than a chasm, and that our debates are not fruitless, but in fact are essential to democracy and a conception of our lives as active, engaged citizens.
5. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 35
Yukiko Okamoto

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The promised open space of cyber-interaction has its dark side hidden behind its brilliant rhetoric. The danger emerges within the very center of developing this technology (cyber-evolution). That is a more fundamental danger than this dark side seems to have. The possible replacement of our primary reality with virtual reality might erode the significance of our existential reality. This means also that the virtual reality might lose its own ground to be constructed. In order to clarify this fundamental problem at issue I show some results from a questionnaire done on younger generation. The results seem to suggest possible way of facing this problem.
6. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 35
Fernanda Barbosa dos Santos

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The article reflects on the symbolic forms of domination developed in the social environment and the real games of power that they are hidden behind the representations in nowadays. It approaches the relation that the medias has in the representation context, being an instrument of domination for the processes ofconstruction of the important meanings for the structure of a society. The study calls the attention for the problematic theoretician presented for the philosopher Pierre Bourdieu, writing on the agent and society, through the antagonism and exclusion between itself. Others two philosophers worked in the research are Michel Foucault and Jürgen Habermas. Thinking on individuals separately, we have that as the participant ones to be responsible in all the constructionof ethical values, politicians, cultural among others that they guide the collective context. However, we will only get success in this question, if we know how to analyze the “search of the real”.

articles in spanish

7. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 35
Raushaniya Lukmanova

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Human is distinguished by special structure of his motivation in which emotions take the leading place because of being the most ancient form of human mental response. The basis for complicated spectrum of human emotive life was laid in his pre-history. Social determination dynamics of person’s internal life, his biology and psychosomatics are poorly investigated. Even for pre-human, we can already define an emotive excitation as a threshold to entry the generality, as a norm of subjective sensation of life, and in this excitation the feeling of unification becomes dominant. Psychoemotional activity of human fixes, firstly, certain existential norm, and secondly, availability of a new psycho-physiological process. Stability of such a condition is maintained by vital necessity for individuals to stay in any special community. A new type of activity, so as psycho-emotional activity develops in conditions of nervous excitation which is an unstable condition in terms of physiology.
8. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 35
Ana Beatriz Martínez

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Con esta ponencia se analizan y discuten algunas formas de desarrollo de la inteligencia social considerada como expresión de un nuevo contexto simbólico de prácticas culturales que reúnen diversos ejercicios colectivos de comunicación. Se hace énfasis en los espacios y relaciones que se estructuran y proyectan en torno al aprendizaje que se produce a través de las redes virtuales. Se intenta comprender y analizar lo que supone aprender con los otros y desde el otro bajo nuevos modos libres, espontáneos e intencionales de creación de redes inteligentes en el marco de la información y comunicación que supone el ciberespacio. Se discuten diversas tendencias en la creación de nuevos entornos de aprendizaje e inteligencia social.

articles in russian

9. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 35
Raisa B. Kvesko

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В статье определяется, что социолингвистическая коммуникация представляет собой взаимодействие субъектов, в основе которого лежат язык и текстовая деятельность. Существование и деятельность человека напрямую и непосредственно связаны с главной функцией языка –коммуникативной. Социолингвистическая реальность непосредственно связана с процессом коммуникации. Коммуникация занимает сегодня неотъемлемую часть нашей жизни и играет в ней немаловажную роль. В статье рассматривается социолингвистическая коммуникация каксоциальное явление, как основа взаимодействия субъектов образовательного пространства, как сложный процесс передачи информации при помощи определенных знаков и символов, соединяющий отдельные части социальных систем, а также это механизм реализации власти.
10. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 35
Ekaterina Petrova

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In the present-day information burst and information revolution epoch the mankind must realize the adaptation to the new conditions of its existence in the limited time. The most important problem is the problem of the human being successful adaptation to the modern information medium. The information medium is the factor demanding absolutely new adaptation of human being. Modern information medium specific character leads to correction of existing nature and social human being adaptation mechanisms and creation of new mechanisms. Information technologies as a modern civilization core change not only quality and substance of present time human being life, but they threaten to transformate his way of existence in the modern world.
11. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of Philosophy: Volume > 35
Владимир Саночкин

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The historical evolution both notions “information” and “energy” are analogous. This is evolution from “attribute of life only” to universal notions. Knowing of energy as universal phenomenon brought to people the great technological breakthrough. But evolution of the first notion is not complete. There is not standardconception of information. While this phenomenon is not determined, it is impossible to do the unequivocal conclusions on the many questions, connected to it. The detailed analysis shows that information appears as a result of comparison. New definition of information ensues hereof. Information is correlations of properties that are determined by comparison or interaction of objects and exists in matter carrier. The author analyses trustiness and universality of this definition. On base the definitions information and structure he proves their equivalence that is illustrated by samples also. As result the author concludes that “information” is so fundamental notion, either as “structure”, and formulates some important consequences. Information exists in any object, it is transformed by any interaction and it plays the most important role even in evolution of lifeless nature.