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1. Balkan Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
The Editorial Board

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2. Balkan Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Dimitri Ginev

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While supporting the anti-foundational ontological turn in science and technology studies, the author criticizes the tendency towards the radical empiricizationof empirical ontology. The article discusses two crucial arguments against this tendency. On the cognitivist argument, empirical immediacy is inevitably shaped and mediated by non-empirical assumptions. According to the hermeneutic argument—which is of great greater importance—any empirically immediate state of affairs is the upshot of actualizing possibilities projected by interrelated practices upon horizons of practical existence. Thus, what is given as empirical immediacy is ineluctably “produced” within the potentiality for practical being. Following this argument, a non-empirical extension of empirical ontology is suggested. The starting-point of this extension is the integration of radical reflexivity into ethnographic descriptions of multiple realities. A further step consists in the introduction of double hermeneutics to studies of empirical ontology. Finally, the significance of ontological difference for these studies comes under scrutiny.
3. Balkan Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Michel Weber

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Rationality and consciousness are strictly correlated. If one evolves, the other necessarily changes accordingly. Of all the possible modes of inquiry, this paper adopts a process genetic perspective informed by the historical speculations of Julian Jaynes. First, we co-define consciousness and rationality. Second, we take up again Jaynes’s insight: (proto-)consciousness has a history, or consciousness has a pre-history. Third, we underline that the sharpening of operational rationality has involved a palpable impoverishment of consciousness over the ages and nefarious consequences for our future.
4. Balkan Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Mihai D. Vasile

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The author argues that for the last 2,500 years, the science concerning the universe (o kosmoV) has been based on two metaphysical intuitions—the atomic one for more than 2,400 years, and the string intuition in the second half of the twentieth century.
5. Balkan Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Marián Zouhar

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It is sometimes claimed that intuitions are an indispensable part of the evidential support provided for, or against, philosophical theses concerning a wide rangeof topics. This view is ingeniously argued for by George Bealer. His approach is based on a close connection between the modal nature of philosophy and theindispensability of intuitions as sources of modally-oriented evidence. This paper is aimed at a critical assessment of this approach. It is claimed that philosophy,though being modal at bottom, need not rely on (modal) intuitions as sources of evidence. In particular, it is shown (i) that at least some of Bealer’s crucial philosophical arguments do not rest on intuitions as evidence and (ii) that one may find modal philosophical claims of considerable importance that do not require modal intuitions for support. As a result, (modal) intuitions need not be considered indispensable for gaining philosophical knowledge, even when philosophy is understood along Bealer’s lines.
6. Balkan Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Lukáš Bielik

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Developing the ideas presented in Jacquette (2011), the paper presents an indispensability argument aimed at justification of induction. First, Hume’s problem of induction is introduced via slightly different reconstructions. Second, several traditional attempts to solve Hume’s problem are presented. Finally, Jacquette’s(2011) proposal to justify induction by an indispensability argument is developed. I conclude with presenting a kind of indispensability argument for induction.
7. Balkan Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Viorel Vizureanu

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The aim of this article is to offer a contribution to our understanding of the way in which reason appropriated the idea of system at the beginning of the modernity and made from it one of its emblematical forms of expression. I will start with seminal remarks on the topic from Martin Heidegger, and will then move to the idea of the system in the works of René Descartes, the pathfinder of modern philosophy. After commenting on some Cartesian ideas, I will outline six points of support for and development of Heidegger’s conception about the system of philosophy and its roots in modern science.
8. Balkan Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Ioan Biriș

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The term “rationality” is applied to many different things, from beliefs and preferences to decisions and choices, actions and behaviors, people, collectivities, andinstitutions. Therefore this paper will limit its considerations only to social preferences and choices in order to clarify the role of rationality in social explanation. The paper will focus on degrees of rationality, calling upon the concept of transitivity for help.
9. Balkan Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
François Beets

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In the 10th century, the Brethren of Purity conceived a henological arithmetic which they believed could explain the mathematical structure of the cosmos (as a macroanthropos), and could lead the student to the discovery of the real substance of his own soul (as a micro-cosmos), a discovery which is the first step towards knowledge of metaphysical and theological truth.
10. Balkan Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Stany Mazurkievic

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This paper considers the rediscovery of Hegel currently taking place in the analytic philosophy. Going back to the Hegelian texts themselves, I will try to show how they can help to decisively solve some problems of contemporary philosophy. I will concentrate on the theme of knowledge, and especially mathematical knowledge, in relation to Hegelian dialectical logic.

book reviews

11. Balkan Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Cristian-Ion Popa

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12. Balkan Journal of Philosophy: Volume > 7 > Issue: 1
Rosen Lutskanov

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