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1. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2
Phil Mullins, Paul Lewis

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2. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2

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3. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2
Dale Cannon

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4. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2
Charles Lowney

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5. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2
Phil Mullins

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This issue of Tradition & Discovery includes (1) six responses to Tihamér Margitay’s recent criticisms of Polanyi’s hierarchical ontology as well as (2) Margitay’s responses to his critics. This is a brief introduction to this special issue.

6. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2
Walter B. Gulick

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In a recent article “From Epistemology to Ontology,” Tihamer Margitay argues that Polanyi fails to establish the necessary correlation he claims between the two levels involved in tacit knowing and corresponding ontological levels. I argue that Margitay correctly shows that such a correspondence does not hold in all cases, but I also point out problems in Margitay’s interpretation of Polanyi and suggest additional bases for ontological claims that go beyond Margitay’s analysis.

7. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2

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8. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2
Gergely Kertész

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In a recent article “From Epistemology to Ontology,” Tihamer Margitay argues, in addition to other things, that the ontological arguments Polanyi provided for his ontological realism with respect to the levels of reality are insufficient. Although Margitay shows this correctly in the case of arguments from boundary conditions, his arguments are not that convincing against the unidentifyability thesis, the thesis that entity kinds on higher levels cannot be identified with descriptions given on lower levels. I argue that here Polányi relies on a version of the multiple realizeability thesis and this argument can be reformulated in a stronger version against which the counterargument Margitay provides is insufficient.

9. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2
Walter Gulick, Paul Lewis

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10. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2
David W. Agler

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This is a comment on Tihamér Margitay’s “From Epistemology to Ontology,” where he criticizes Polanyi’s claim that there is a systematic correspondence between the levels of ontology and the levels of tacit knowing. Margitay contends that Polanyi supports this correspondence by appealing to a “purely ontological argument,” one which concludes that it is impossible to reduce machines to a singular, chemical-physical type, and criticizes this claim by pointing to industrial standards (machines that do reduce to singular physical-chemical type). I respond to Margitay’s claim by distinguishing two different “purely ontological arguments” in Polanyi’s thought (one relying on the multi-realizability of a machine in different physical-chemical types, the other pointing to the inability of a purely physical-chemical ontology to account for the artificial shaping and functioning of machines). With these two arguments clarified, Margitay’s criticism by appealing to industrial standards loses much of its initial force.

11. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2

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12. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2
John V. Apczynski

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These remarks are comments on Tihamér Margitay’s criticisms of Polanyi’s so-called “correspondence thesis” in his recent essay “From Epistemology to Ontology.”

13. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2
Mihály Héder

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The title of Tihamér Margitay’s recent article “From Epistemology to Ontology” refers to a strong interpretation of Polanyi’s correspondence between knowing and being that enables ontological claims on purely epistemic grounds. I accept Margitay’s final conclusion which rejects strong correspondence, although on entirely different grounds. In addition, I point out that his treatment of Polanyi’s ontological claims about machines is based on yet unfounded assumptions about the nature of physics and technical design.

14. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2

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15. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2
Kyle Takaki

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Tihamér Margitay makes two key moves against Polanyi’s hierarchical ontology in his essay “From Epistemology to Ontology.” I address these two moves and defend Polanyi from a complex-systems point of view.

16. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2
Tihamér Margitay

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In this essay, I first sketch Polanyi’s three arguments for layered ontology and the arguments against them which I put forward in Margitay (2010). I then discuss two recurrent themes in the several comments on my essay in this issue of Tradition and Discovery. The balance of the paper gives detailed responses to each comment.


17. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2
Paul Lewis

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18. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2
Diane Yeager

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19. Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical: Volume > 39 > Issue: 2
Trevor Anderson

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