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1. Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1
Alfonso García Suárez

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RESUMEN: La tesis según la cual el significado es normativo ha recibido diferentes formulaciones. En § 2 se introducen dos clases de formulaciones: las que emplean conceptos evaluativos y las que emplean conceptos deónticos. En § 3 se examinan las objeciones recientes de Hattiangadi a la posibilidad de una formulación en términos prescriptivos. § 4 contiene un intento de formular la tesis de la normatividad por medio de una regla en la que se emplean los conceptos deónticos de permisión y prohibición. En § 5 se hacen algunos comentarios breves sobre la regla propuesta.ABSTRACT: The thesis that meaning is normative has been stated in different terms. In § 2 two kinds of formulations are introduced: those that deploy evaluative concepts and those that deploy deontic concepts. In § 3 the recent objections of Hattiangadi to the possibilility of a formulation in prescriptive terms are examined. § 4 contains an attempt to formulate the normativity thesis by means of a rule in which the deontic concepts of permission and prohibition are deployed. In § 5 some brief commentaries on the proposed rule are made.
2. Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1
Luis Fernández Moreno

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RESUMEN: La teoría causal formulada por Kripke y Putnam es la teoría semántica dominante de los términos de género natural y, en especial, de los términos de sustancia. La teoría semántica de los términos de sustancia de Locke ha sido, supuestamente, refutada por aquélla. Según Putnam, la teoría de Locke ha pasado por alto dos importantes contribuciones a la semántica, y principalmente a la referencia, de los términos de sustancia, a saber, la contribución de la sociedad y la del entorno. El objetivo de este artículo es argüir que la teoría de Locke puede incorporar la primera contribución y que alguien que en principio sostuviese una teoría como la de Locke podría verse llevado a aceptar también la segunda contribución.ABSTRACT: The causal theory put forward by Kripke and Putnam is the dominant semantic theory of natural kind terms and especially of substance terms. Locke’s semantic theory of substance terms has supposedly been rebutted by it. Locke’s theory has, according to Putnam, overlooked two significant contributions to the semantics, and mainly to the reference, of substance terms, namely, the contribution of the society and that of the environment. This paper aims to argue that Locke’s theory is able to embrace the first contribution and that someone who initially held a theory like Locke’s could be led to accept also the second one.
3. Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1
Santiago Ginnobili

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RESUMEN: El tema de este trabajo es la reconstrucción de la teoría de la selección natural darwiniana. Me propongo esbozar la ley fundamental de esta teoría de manera informal a partir de sus aplicaciones en El origen de las especies de Darwin y presentar sus conceptos fundamentales. Presentaré la red teórica de leyes especiales que surgen de la especialización de esta ley fundamental. Supondré el estructuralismo como marco metateórico. Señalaré también algunas consecuencias que mi propuesta tiene sobre ciertas discusiones metateóricas en torno a la teoría y, finalmente, relacionaré mi reconstrucción con otras reconstrucciones disponibles.ABSTRACT: This paper is about the reconstruction of the Darwinian Theory of Natural Selection. My aim here is to outline the fundamental law of this theory in an informal way from its applications in The Origin of Species and to make explicit its fundamental concepts. I will introduce the theory-nets of special laws that arisefrom the specialization of the fundamental law. I will assume the metatheoretical structuralist frame. I will also point out many consequences that my proposal has about a few metatheoretical discussions around the theory and, finally, I will relate my propose to other reconstructions available.
4. Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1
José Luis Rolleri

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The aim of this paper is to elaborate a notion of explanation which is applicable to stochastic processes such as quantum processes. The model-theoretic approach was adopted in order to delimit appropriate classes, by dening set-theoretical predicates, of different kinds of physical transformations that quantum systems suffer, either of transitions or of transmutations, by interaction or in a spontaneous manner. To explain a singular quantum process consists in showing that it is feasible to model it as an indeterministic process of certain specied kind.
5. Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1
Hauke Riesch

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ABSTRACT: This paper presents a discourse analysis of 40 semi-structured interviews with scientists on their views of Occam's razor and simplicity. It finds that there are many different interpretations and thoughts about the precise meaning of the principle as well as many scientists who reject it outright, or only a very limited version. In light of the variation of scientists' opinions, the paper looks at the discursive uses of simplicity in scientists' thinking and how scientists' interpretations of Occam's razor impact on philosophy's representation of the principle and affects the communication between philosophy and science.

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6. Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1
Valeriano Iranzo

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7. Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1
Jesús Zamora Bonilla

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8. Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1
Sebastián Álvarez Toledo

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9. Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1
Fernando Broncano

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10. Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1
Antonio Diéguez

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11. Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1
Ramón Queraltó

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12. Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1
Xavier de Donato

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13. Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1
Carlos Castrodeza

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14. Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1

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15. Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science: Volume > 25 > Issue: 1

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