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1. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
Matteo Monfrinotti

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Clement of Alexandria’s Quis dives salvetur is the first text of Christian literature expressly devoted to the problem of the relationship between wealth and poverty. Clement’s discourse clarifies how he considers the Scriptures as the basis of all pedagogy, inasmuch as they are normative in themselves and esteemed for the absolute value in them that transcends any contingency related to temporal, cultural, historical or sociological situations. This article offers a study of the reception of the Old Testament and New Testament in Clement’s work, focusing on a particular scriptural text, Mk 10:17-31, that is primary and foundational for all of his thought.
2. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
Emmanuel Albano

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The article intends to analyse the notion of Church in Clement of Alexandria’s thought. The analysis begins with the biblical images used by the author, i.e., those of the body, mother and spouse, before dwelling on its essential dimensions. The notion of ecclesial tradition emerges as a central theme in this reflection in its formal aspects as well as in its contents. They find their definition and codification in the ecclesiastical canon which makes reference to a correct orthopraxis and, therefore, to a confrontation with heterodoxy. Such an aspect, even though it was only mentioned, allows the onto-logical-atemporal dimension of the Church to express itself in the visible-temporal dimension, thereby showing the unity of the Church “in its essence, its thought content, its origin and its preeminence as a whole.”
3. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
Giuseppe Bartolozzi

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This article will attempt to show that from the beginning of the letter of Eusebius of Nicodemia to Paulinus of Tyre, the meaning of ὁμοούσιος should be sought in the opposition on the part of the Council of Nicea to the divisive doctrine of hypostases by Arius and his followers. The assertion of the similarity or identity of nature or ousia between the Father and the Son that ὁμοούσιος suggests is traceable to the teaching of Alexander of Alexandria, but also of Eusthatius of Antioch, so that it could be thought that in Nicea a convergence between the two major opponents of Arius could have taken place, in the same way in which it had occurred over the Antiochene formula of 325. Analysis of the doctrine of ὁμοούσιος by Athanasius confirms that the term was opposed to the divisive interpretation of the hypostases within Arianism. The second part of the article, takes into consideration the study on the interpretation of the Nicene ὁμοούσιος proposed by P. F. Beatrice. The Author argues that Beatrice’s thesis, which attempts to trace the introduction of the term in the Nicene Creed back exclusively to Constantine, with the agreement of Eusebius of Caesarea, is not backed by the documentation at our disposal.
4. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
Salvatore Borzì

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It is futile to say that scholars have worn themselves out in an attempt to give a name to the pagan philosopher with whom Macarius Magnes argues in the Apocriticus. The first to take up the question, Crusius, a follower of Wagenmann, Hauschildt, Harnack and Goulet, identified him as Porphyry. This identification was refuted by Möller, Salmon, Zahn and Frassinetti, who thought of Julian the Apostate; and by Duchesne and Crafer, followed, in part by Pezzella, who proposed Hierocles. Following the studies by Corsaro, who, advised by Borzì, argued with good reason the impossibility of giving a precise name to the pagan philosopher, the vexata quaestio seemed to come to an end. In a recent intervention, Digeser reproposed the identification of Hierocles, going back, in large part, and not without some original notions, to the arguments of Duchesne and Crafer. It is the intent of this contribution to demonstrate the insufficient credibility of this identification.
5. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
Francesco Aleo

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An erotapòkrisis of the Corpus macarianum presents an exegesis and interpretation of Rm 2,14b as found in an ascetical brotherhood with origins in the fourth century. The lemma forms the beginning of the erotapòkrisis and invites a single response. The Author orients this lemma toward a moral, ascetical and “spiritual” interpretation of the natural law and the divine law written in the conscience, one which is obscure and not entirely comprehendable by moderns. The exegetical and hermeneutical procedure at work in the text may offer a suggestion for further reflection and reconsideration of the environment and identity of the author, as well as of the origins of those writings comprising the Corpus macarianum.
6. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
Domenico Marafioti

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This paper discusses the merits and faults of a Note by Vittorino Grossi, published in this journal (volume 52), concerning a new Italian translation of Augustine’s bestseller, City of God, with an introduction by Domenico Marafioti (Mondadori 2011). The Author discusses the divergence of interpretations of Augustine’s works.
7. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
Jordina Sales Carbonell

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This article draws attention to the silent relationship ─ both in written and archeological sources ─ between monasteries and the production of parchment in Late Antiquity, particularly in Visigothic Spain, where there is little archaeological data concerning early monastic communities. Once contextualized, the little, indirect evidence for the production of parchment may provide a valuable argument for the identification of Christian monastic buildings in certain archaeological sites that have been classified according to other typologies (villages, encampment, etc.), at a time of major changes, during which the parchment codex has replaced the papyrus roll.
8. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
Tito Orlandi

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The collection of Coptic literary papyri of the Egyptian Museum of Turin is one of the most important in the world, if not for the number of codices, certainly for their contribution to the knowledge of Coptic literature and codicology. This paper makes an exhaustive list of the codices and of the works that they contain, with reference to their publication, especially that of Francesco Rossi (late XIX century), who could read more than is visible today. The tables provided are useful because the papyri have been set in different order (with their new call number), after Rossi’s publication.


9. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
Rocco Ronzani

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Through an analysis of the transmission and the historical context of the text, as well as of the doctrinal content of CPL 1610, this paper substantiates the likelihood of the Gelasian authorship of the letter, which was called into question by Coustant Thiel and Schwartz and supported by Nautin.


10. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
John Rist

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11. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero

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12. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
Rocco Ronzani

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13. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
John Rist

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14. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
Andrés Sáez

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15. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
Spyros P. Panagopoulos

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16. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
Marie Pauliat

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17. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
Carlo dell’Osso

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18. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
Giuseppe Caruso

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19. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
Chiara O. Tommasi

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20. Augustinianum: Volume > 53 > Issue: 2
Mauricio Saavedra

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