Cover of Thought and Practice in African Philosophy

Thought and Practice in African Philosophy

Thought and Practice in African Philosophy
2002, ISBN not assigned (LCCN: 2002-345089)
Editors: Daniel Smith, Oriare Nyarwath, Pamela A. Abuya, Gail M. Presbey

Table of Contents

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Displaying: 1-20 of 28 documents

i. introductions

1. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Francis J. Gichaga

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2. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Olufemi Taiwo

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3. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Gail M. Presbey

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ii . approaches and methodologies

4. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Gilbert E. M. Ogutu

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5. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Jeffrey Crawford

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6. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Kai Kresse, SOAS

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7. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Workineh Kelbessa

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8. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Heinrich Beck

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9. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Jay M. Van Hook

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iii. problem of missionary and colonialist thinking

10. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Joseph Situma

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11. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Pieter Duvenage

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12. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Francis E.A. Owakah

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13. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Elizabeth Dorothea Hecht, D.A.A.D.

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14. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Shannon Shea

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iv. gender and culture in africa

15. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Helen Anyiso Oduk

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16. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Claude Sumner

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17. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Solomon Monyenye

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v. sage philosophy

18. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Bekele Gutema

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19. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Chaungo Barasa

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20. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy: Year > 2002
Charles Moore

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