Chiasmi International

Volume 23, 2021

Critical Phenomenology after Merleau-Ponty

Giuseppe Crivella
Pages 203-222

Un serpentement transcendantal... Fenomenologia e linguaggio nella riflessione di Jacques Garelli

In this text we try to develop some considerations starting from the readings that Jacques Garelli elaborates through a profound reflection on the theses expounded by Merleau-Ponty in his latest works. In particular we, after recalling some points of contact between the two thinkers, comment on two long essays by Jacques Garelli dedicated to Rimbaud and Artaud. Through these re-readings we aim to highlight the novel characteristics that the author of Rythmes et mondes has managed to outline through an ever-greater study of the theses on language presented by Merleau-Ponty in his latest works.