Business Ethics Journal Review

Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021

Kirk Mensch
Pages 1-7

The Challenge of Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry Within Leadership-As-Practice

Herein, I clarify my concern regarding Raelin’s Leadership-as-Practice (L-AP) and argue that inconsistent moral philosophies undermine the veracity of leadership theory, especially more recent democratic, shared, collective, and practice oriented theories; that this problem seems to be proliferating in the social sciences, and that this is especially concerning in socio-psychologically oriented theories. I contend that the moral foundations of L-A-P remain philosophically disquieting, unless it is understood as excluding moral agents other than those of a genealogical tradition, and that such exclusionary consequences in practice may lead to moral disengagement, which might then lead to cognitive dissonance and even self-harm.