
Volume 64, Issue 254/255, Julio/Diciembre 2019

XVIII Congreso Internacional de Estudios Patrísticos, Vol.II

Piotr Paciorek
Pages 405-425

La controversia entre Agustín y Juliano de Eclana: sobre la Ley y la gracia

In 418, the Italian bishop of Eclanum (Aeclanum: Mirabella-Eclano), Julian (380-454), engaged Augustine of Hippo (354-430) in an extensive debate about three key issues of the Catholic faith, all of which are essentially grounded in sound philosophy and can be proven by reason. These are: the state of nature after sin, the authority of law (legis auctoritate), and the free will of rational beings (libertas arbitrii), the last of which remains vigorously debated today in response to the early concept of determinism. These three issues, in particular, preoccupied Augustine’s thoughts and writings up until his death.