
Volume 62, Issue 246/247, Julio/Diciembre 2017

Spiritalis Homo: Cuestiones de Espiritualidad Cristiana en Agustín de Hipona

Vittorino Grossi
Pages 469-486

La oración cristiana como «eucaristía»
El vocabulario de la oración en los escritos de Agustín

The article presents the Augustinian Vocabulary on prayer, as a personal prayer (Soliloquiorum and Confessionum), as a prayer of the Christian people (Enarrationes in Psalmos), as a prayer of the monks (Sancta Virginitate), as a need for grace (a topic which is present in the Works of the Pelagian Polemic). The article discusses the Augustine’s explanation of the Vocabulary on prayer in 1 Tim 2: 1-9 obsecrationes, orationes, postulationes, gratiarum actiones, as it is explained in Augustine’s ep. 149, giving the exegetical background of the texts, and the Augustinian interpretation. Finally it presents the prayer of gratiarum actio, as a clue to understand Christian prayer.