
Volume 62, Issue 246/247, Julio/Diciembre 2017

Spiritalis Homo: Cuestiones de Espiritualidad Cristiana en Agustín de Hipona

Vittorino Grossi
Pages 419-447

La Providencia de Dios en las calamidades humanas
Los sermones de Agustín sobre la caída de Roma del 410

This article examines the attitude of the Christian pietas presented by Augustine in the sermons on the sacking of Rome by the Goths of Alaric on August 24, 410. Four Augustine’s sermons compare the reaction of the pagans with that of Christians (exc. urb.; s. 296; s. 105; s. 81). The article analyzes in detail the four sermons, its historiographical context and the proposal of a new History made by Augustine. On the other hand, the article presents the indications of the Bishop of Hippo on the Providence of God in human disgraces, having as a guideline the Augustinian symbol of the six days of the Creation, as well as the action of the Providence of God, particularly related to disasters, taking as a starting point, Augustine’s Work prou. diu., and also studying in a synthetic way, other texts of the Augustine’s works where this topic is discussed.