
Volume 62, Issue 246/247, Julio/Diciembre 2017

Spiritalis Homo: Cuestiones de Espiritualidad Cristiana en Agustín de Hipona

Vittorino Grossi
Pages 319-334

Divinización y/o filiación adoptiva en la teología espiritual de San Agustín

The article addresses the topic of the divinization of the human being in St. Augustine, presenting first of all, a summary of the reception of Augustinian thought in the Eastern world, highlighting the reductionist prejudice in this approach. Afterwards, a brief exposition of the role that grace plays in the thought of Saint Augustine is made, underlining the different nuances that this thought has in Augustine’s different stages. It also discusses the relationship between grace and divinization according to Augustinian thought, to also stress the importance of the idea of the Incarnation for St. Augustine as a hermeneutic criterion to understand divinization as a filiation, a filial quality that is diverse, for the Son of God and for the believer. The article finally presents grace as a divinizing justification, as a fullness of divine filiation according to Augustinian thought.