Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science

Volume 3, Issue 1/2/3, Octubre/Septiembre 1987/1988

Roberto José Vernengo
Pages 191-202

Categorías teóricas en el lenguaje jurídico y su formalización

Any formalization of legal texts requires not only a syntactical and semantical analysis, but also a pragmatical approach. There are some difficulties in the formalization of legal pragmatics. Legal theory acknowledges that legal languages are contaminated with value expressions and their ideological linguistic context. The theoretical categories introduced by legal scientist according to traditional, but also culturally variable criteria, are necessary for the construction of legal text (in their prescriptive version), but nearly always they are implicitly used and not explicitly mentioned. Kelsenian and Hohfeldian categories are exempIes of not equivalent classificatory criteria. The problem, for any attempted automated analysis of legal languages, is also how to introduce in the logical and algorithmic schemes used in computation, symbolic eIements taking into account those not explicit categorial-forms.