Cover of Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal

Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal

Krishna Boddapati, Agnese Di Riccio, and Ceciel Meiborg, Editors

The Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal is a peer-reviewed journal publishing scholarly essays, lectures, and book reviews in continental philosophy and the history of philosophy. Since 1972 this journal has been at the forefront of continental philosophy in the United States, often publishing the first English translations of recent work by European philosophers writing in other languages. The journal is sponsored by the Philosophy Department at the New School for Social Research.

  • Tables of Contents
  • Current Issue + Archive
  • Contributors include Étienne Balibar, Rémi Brague, Judith Butler, François Dagognet, Jacques Derrida, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Agnes Heller, Axel Honneth, Dominque Janicaud, Karl Jaspers, David Farrell Krell, Emmanuel Levinas, Jean-Luc Marion, Antonio Negri, Reiner Schürmann, and Adelino Zanini.

    · ISSN 0093-4240 (print) · Single issues: Institutions $35, Individuals $20 · Double issues: $65, $35 ·
    · ISSN 2153-9197 (online) · Biannual · Access includes volume 1 (1972) to present ·

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    --American Philosophical Association
    --Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
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    For more information contact us by phone 800-444-2419 or 434-220-3300, by fax 434-220-3301; or by e-mail [email protected].