
Volume 53, Issue 2, December 2013

Emmanuel Albano
Pages 337-373

Il Mistero Della Chiesa, Principio Di Unità Della Riflessione Di Clemente Di Alessandria
Note Per Una Possibile Lettura Storico-Teologica

The article intends to analyse the notion of Church in Clement of Alexandria’s thought. The analysis begins with the biblical images used by the author, i.e., those of the body, mother and spouse, before dwelling on its essential dimensions. The notion of ecclesial tradition emerges as a central theme in this reflection in its formal aspects as well as in its contents. They find their definition and codification in the ecclesiastical canon which makes reference to a correct orthopraxis and, therefore, to a confrontation with heterodoxy. Such an aspect, even though it was only mentioned, allows the onto-logical-atemporal dimension of the Church to express itself in the visible-temporal dimension, thereby showing the unity of the Church “in its essence, its thought content, its origin and its preeminence as a whole.”